How can you prevent injury while cycling?

How can you prevent injury while cycling?

Cycling is a popular sport and an effective way of moving around. Many people love it because it feels good. Riding your bike while enjoying the wind and sunlight is particularly pleasant. Some people like to ride at comfortable speeds to refresh their mood. Some like to ride at extreme speeds and treat the process as exercise and training. A wide range of people like Cycling, from individuals who treat it as a hobby to those who want an efficient way to move around.

Cycling has a lot of benefits regardless of your intention to do it. It can regulate your mood, reduce obesity and related health problems, and save traveling expenses. And the most important thing is that anyone can afford this hobby. All you need to go Cycling is a bicycle. Bicycle prices range from the cheapest to the most expensive. So, there is a bike for everyone regardless of their financial situation.

Now that we know the advantages of Cycling, let’s talk about its dangers. Cycling is a sport, and like all sports, there is a risk of injury.

Note: Using FTP Calculator, you can also calculate your estimated functional threshold power.

Why get injured while cycling?

1. Road Rash

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Road Rash is a kind of skin injury; they are the result of road accidents. Road Rash is a common injury to a cyclist. There is no real way to avoid accidents, as they depend on Luck. But you can minimize the chance of an accident by being more careful.

Now let’s talk about how you can handle Road Rash when it occurs. The First thing you need to do after an accident is to check your entire body for injuries. Although Road Rashes look painful, they are not that harmful. You need to look out for broken bones, especially the spine and limbs. Then check for broken ribs and pain in internal organs. If everything is okay, check your body for road rashes. If the rash is particularly serious, you may need to go to the hospital immediately.

How to tell if the rash is severe? The situation is serious if the skin is completely damaged and you can see your muscles and fat blobs. If that happens to you, you must visit the hospital as you can handle this injury yourself. If the injury isn’t serious, rinse it with water to wash off the dirt and pebbles from the wound. If you have a first aid kit, do some wound dressing. If you don’t, then go home to find the appropriate equipment.

2. Saddle Sores

Saddle Sores are a condition that happens when doing continuous Cycling for hours. It occurs in the areas that are in contact with the saddle. You can prevent this condition from developing by wearing specialized sportswear.

Chamois shorts are one garment that provides support and comfort to athletes’ nether regions. If you are still having problems, then try chamois cream. It is a type of antibacterial cream that is very effective against saddle sores.

3. Lower Back Pain 

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This problem is a result of long-term riding. When professional riders ride their bikes seriously, they tend to arch their backs and put their face closer to the handle. It often results in an unnatural position and can easily cause back problems.

The best way to minimize the risk of back pain is to exercise your back muscles. If your core muscles are strong enough, they can automatically arrange your spine in an optimal position.

4. Neck Pain

Neck Pain is another common problem that long-distance cyclists encounter. It is the result of arching your neck and upper back for hours. If neck, shoulder, and upper back muscles are not strong enough, it can easily lead to neck problems.

You can avoid this problem by optimizing your bike to fit your physique and riding habits perfectly. You should also consider doing stretching and muscle-strengthening exercises. Riding a bike in a relaxed posture can also relieve Neck pain.

5. Numb Hands

Numb hands are a common problem that every cyclist encounters at some point in their cycling career. It happens when the nerves between your index finger and thumb are pinched. This condition happens when you put too much weight on your hands.

The following actions can effectively alleviate this problem:

  1. Adjust your posture and saddle position
  2. Adjust your hand and wrist position on the handle
  3. Wear professional sports gloves

6. Foot Numbness

This problem is due to unfit footwear such as shoes, socks, or even cleat position. It happens when the nerves on your feet, specifically between the bones under the ball of your feet, experience excessive pressure. Its symptoms are numbness, tingling, bruising, or burning sensation in your feet.

You can overcome this problem by adjusting your footwear to match your feet perfectly. You can do so on your own or by seeking help from professionals.

7. Knee Pain

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Long-term Cycling with bad bike fit and posture can easily result in Knee Pain. That’s why it is imperative to ensure that your posture is perfect and the bike is set according to your physique. It likely won’t be a problem if you are a leisurely cyclist.

But if you want to train professionally or participate in long-distance races, you need professional advice. If you don’t have a professional beside you, keep a note of your body to check if anything is unusual with your body. If you feel uncomfortable and painful, it is better to stop and rest.

It is extremely important because training with bad bike fit and posture can lead to dire consequences. Many armature cyclists have bid farewell to Cycling because of this. In some severe cases, cyclists are even unable to walk for years.

8. Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles Tendinitis happens due to improper positioning of shoe cleats. It is the inflammation of the Achilles tendon and results in ankle pain. If you experience ankle pain, stop your training for a few days and let your body recover.

How to avoid cycling injuries?

Accidents are unavoidable; that is a universally accepted fact. But we can minimize accidents and injuries by maintaining proper habits. Following are some ways to avoid injuries.

1. Safety First

When you are riding on the road with traffic taking precautions to minimize road accidents become very important. Some important safety rules are as follows.

  1. Wear a helmet: In case of an accident, the head can be your weakest link. If you are injured anywhere else, you might be able to hold on until help arrives. But if you are hit hard enough on the head, you go straight to heaven.
  2. Keep your ears open: You must not wear anything on your ears, especially air pods and headphones. It is very important to hear everything around you on the road. Hence, you have a better chance of avoiding an accident.
  3. Be eye-catching: A bicycle is small compared to other vehicles on the road, so other drivers can easily ignore your presence. That is very dangerous if a driver doesn’t notice you in time, they might run you over by accident. So, your job is to be more noticeable on the road.
    1. Wear eye-catching clothes
    2. Paint your bike in vibrant color
    3. Attach a few reflectors or lights to your bike.
  4. Obey road rules: Road rules are there for the safety of everyone on the road. These rules apply even if you are riding a bike; in fact, you should be even more careful. If you collide with another vehicle, your chances of survival are slim. So, don’t ignore the rules just because they are troublesome or you are in a hurry because they might save your life.

2. Stretching

Athletes need to have reasonable flexibility in their bodies. Most people can’t attain that degree of flexibility without training. A cyclist flexibility routine can help you increase flexibility. It can even help you align the muscles and make your body structure more orderly.

Regularly stretching your body has various other benefits. If your body is not flexible enough, it could easily cause problems. Your body structure could easily move out of alignment, leading to injuries such as back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain.

3. Muscle Strengthening

Most cyclists have an imbalance between lower and upper body muscle strength. Most cyclists have a strong lower body as they mostly use those muscles. But it is not enough to have a strong lower body; you also need a strong core.

If your core is not strong enough, it can easily lead to a lot of problems. The main cause of lower back pain and neck pain is a weak core. Your core plays an important role in balancing your body and maintaining a healthy posture.

Following muscle-strengthening exercises are suitable for Cyclists.

  1. Plank: This is a very simple exercise that is very effective for strengthening your core. You can do this exercise anywhere; the only requirement is a free space large enough for you to lie down.
  2. Crunches: This exercise targets the abs and back muscles.
  3. Lunges: This exercise targets leg muscles such as hips, glutes, and hamstrings.

When exercising as a cyclist, it is important to remember that you are training to make your body more balanced and not to bulk up. Overly strong upper body muscles won’t increase your cycling performance.

Strong upper muscles increase your weight, which impacts your FTP. So, your goal is to be slim and smart with strong leg and core muscles.

4. Bike Fit

Many people think it’s too much trouble to set up their bikes. It’s not a problem if you don’t ride for hours on end. But if you ride your bike for hours daily, then it is a worthwhile investment to set up your bike correctly.

A properly fine-tuned bike can provide you with many benefits. The most important one is the reduced risk of injuries such as knee pain, ankle pain, lower back pain, and neck pain. While fine-tuning a bike, you need to adjust its saddle, handle, cleat posting, etc.

If you aren’t sure about doing it correctly by yourself, it is a good choice to contact a professional. That way, you can be sure that your bike is appropriately fine-tuned.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prevent injuries while cycling?

The best way to prevent injuries while cycling is to wear the proper gear, including a helmet, and to follow the rules of the road.

What can I do if I am injured while cycling?

If you are injured while cycling, the best thing to do is to seek medical attention immediately. If the injury is minor, you can choose to treat it at home. However, if the injury is more serious, you will need to see a doctor or go to the hospital.

What should I do if I witness a cycling accident?

If you witness a cycling accident, the best thing to do is to call 911 immediately.

How can I prevent cycling injuries?

The best way to prevent cycling injuries is to ride safely and be aware of your surroundings. Always wear a helmet and proper safety gear, and follow the rules of the road. Be cautious when riding in traffic, and always be on the lookout for potential hazards. If you are involved in a collision, seek medical attention immediately.

What are the most common cycling injuries?

The most common cycling injuries include cuts, scrapes, bruises, and broken bones. Head injuries are also a possibility and can be much more serious.







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