Hip Pain from Cycling: How to reduce it?

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Cycling is an excellent cardiovascular workout that also strengthens the lower body. Many people enjoy Cycling, which makes it more likely that they will persist with it as a fitness program. Cycling is a popular low impact activity for individuals with knee pain or injury. Runners, for example, who can no longer tolerate the hammering on their joints, frequently use Cycling as an alternative.

Cycling, however, is also not ideal for joints. While it has a lower impact on the front knee, it can cause tightness and soreness across the hips. But don’t worry; a few simple stretches and strengthening exercises can help you get back on the bike. You can calculate your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) Power by using our FTP Calculator.

Is Cycling good for hips?

Cycling raises the heart rate and delivers an excellent cardiovascular workout. Regular Cycling will help increase your leg strength. Biking can also be enjoyable so that you may persist with it for a more extended period. Indoor sessions are cheerful and full of friendship, while outdoor Cycling offers adventure and a change of scenery.

Another reason many people prefer Cycling is that it is gentle on joints like the knee. Cycling is a low-impact activity when compared to high-impact activities like jogging. You are not slamming your joints on the ground, which can cause pain and injury. But cycling makes extensive use of your hips. Will this result in repetitive motion injuries? Can it cause hip damage over time? Will it aggravate pre-existing hip pain? These are crucial questions to ask before you begin cycling.

Cycling is generally easy on the joints:

For this reason, many sportspeople and active people take to Cycling as they age. Cycling is less taxing on the knees, ankles, and hips than other hobbies. Cycling is an alternative if you can only undertake low-impact activities due to joint problems.

Cycling also benefits joint health:

In addition to being low-impact, Cycling can actively improve the joints. However, this primarily affects the knees. The motion of each pedal stroke develops the muscles that support the knees. It also encourages the development of lubricant in the knees, which can help to alleviate pain.

Cycling Can Lead to Hip Pain:

There is no perfect exercise for everyone. There are always some drawbacks and possible ways to be wounded. Cycling is easy on the knees, but it may cost you on the hips. Hip problems might also cause discomfort elsewhere.

Cycling may cause the following hip problems:

  • One issue that many of us have due to spending too much time sitting: stiff hip flexors. Cycling causes those muscles to stiffen since the motion does not enable the hip to expand and extend fully. The more you bike, the tighter they become. This is both uncomfortable and painful in the glutes.
  • Piriformis muscle tightness: This muscle assists the leg in moving outward and is another muscle that is not engaged or stretched while cycling. Tightness in this area can cause severe pain and may result in sciatica.
  • An inflammation of the bursa in the hip joint causes hip bursitis. Bursitis can cause hip pain that worsens during Cycling.
  • If you ride multiple times per week or for long distances, you may develop overuse injuries. The continuous, repetitive movement of the hip joint results in wear and tear, as well as some damage and pain.

Cycling Exercises for Hip Pain from Cycling Off the Bike

Keep going if biking is causing hip pain. Exercising and stretching can help. You may need to strengthen specific muscles or perform exercises to lengthen tight muscles. Try these to keep you riding.

Relieve Hip Flexor Tightness

Tight hips most likely cause most hip problems with Cycling. Almost everyone can benefit from stretching their hips more frequently. Our inactive lifestyle is to blame for this. Even fit people often sit for long periods, which tightens the hip muscles. Try the following stretches:

  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and bring your feet together. Allow your knees to fall to the side until you feel a stretch.
  • In a lunge position, softly place your back leg’s knee on the floor. Lean forward and feel a stretch in the front of the hip by maintaining the front leg bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • While lying on a bed, couch, or table, hang one leg over the side. The weight of it hanging down will cause the hip to extend.
  • Roll a foam roller across the front of your hip to stretch and open up that muscle.

Hip flexors cause pain and tension in athletes and fitness lovers. This article will provide some ideas for corrective exercises to help you ease the pain in your joints.

Cycling Exercises for Hip Pain from Cycling to Strengthen and Stretch the Piriformis

This is a tiny muscle that is located deep behind the gluteus maximus. Cycling underuses the piriformis muscle, which can stiffen and cause severe pain. To address this, make these moves for focused stretching and strength training:

  • Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and cross your right leg over your left.
  • Place your right ankle directly over your left knee.
  • Lift your left foot off the ground and draw it toward your chest while keeping your left knee bent.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

Include some regular piriformis and glute strengthening exercises as well:

  • Gluteal bridges: Squeeze your glutes while lying on the floor, feet flat, and knees bent. Hold for a few seconds before releasing and repeating.
  • Clamshells: Stack your legs, one on top of the other on your side, with your knees bent. Lift the top knee and squeeze while keeping the feet together. Rep on the opposite side.
  • The donkey kicks: Lift one leg on all fours, keeping the knee bent. Repeat with the second leg, squeezing and holding the glutes. To target the piriformis more effectively, repeat the action but spin the leg outwards as you lift and press.
  • Hip abduction banded: Place a resistance band around your legs below the knees while sitting on a bench. Move the knees out and squeeze with your legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Lateral movements: Step to the side with the resistance band wrapped around your legs again. This exercise includes a squat, but the outward stepping movement targets the piriformis.

Adjust Bicycle to Hips

Targeted exercises and stretches can help you cycle with reduced or no pain, but only if your bike is fitted correctly. As with any sport or activity, poor movement form can result in injury and pain. Pain will happen if your bike fit creates problematic hip motion.

So, what’s the answer? Get a proper bike fit. Getting a bike professionally fitted to your body is well worth it. A cycling specialist can help, but working with a physical therapist is better. They can monitor your pedal stroke as you ride and adjust to maintain proper hip motion. If you’re not cycling optimally, a new fit can make all the difference. A study of cyclists with hip disorders discovered that a perfect fit eliminated or reduced pain while improving cycling performance.

Finally, if you enjoy cycling but suffer from severe hip discomfort, ensure you receive enough rest. No exercise should be done constantly or on a daily basis. Alter the regimen with other types of cardio and at least two days of weight training every week. This, together with some targeted exercise and stretches, should alleviate hip pain and keep you riding your bike.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why do my hips pain after I cycle?

This is because cycling does not allow the hip to open and extend; those muscles tighten entirely. The tighter they become, the more you cycle. This is both uncomfortable and painful in the glutes. The piriformis muscle is another.

Is cycling bad for hips?

Cycling can cause hip injuries if proper precautions are not taken. Many of these injuries are the result of hours of repetitive motion.

Whether Cycling can cause hip flexor pain?

Cyclists are prone to tight hip flexors due to the forward-leaning position on the bike, as the muscles are almost always in a shortened position while riding.









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