What is VAM in cycling?

What is VAM in cycling

A rider’s VAM can be affected by many factors, such as the grade of the climb, the rider’s weight, and the bike’s gearing. A good VAM indicates that a rider can maintain a high power output and is efficient at climbing.VAM is an acronym that stands for Vertical Amplitude Modulation. It is a measure of a rider’s power output on a bike and its unit is meters per hour. VAM is often used by coaches to measure a rider’s fitness and to compare the performance of different riders. VAM is the average rate of climb of a road bicycle in meters per hour. It is a measure of a rider’s climbing ability and we use it to predict performance in hilly races.

Historical Background

The concept of VAM was first introduced in the late 1970s as a way to quantify the climbing speed of a cyclist. Its original definition is “the average speed that a cyclist could maintain on a very long and steep climb (8-10% gradient) if he rode continuously at a constant cadence”. However, the definition of VAM is now expanded to include the effects of both gradient and cadence.

It is now commonly defined as “the average speed that a cyclist can maintain on a long steep climb (8-10% gradient) at a constant cadence”. It is a valuable predictor of cycling performance and is often used by coaches and riders to set training goals and track progress. There are several different methods we can use to calculate VAM, the most common of them is to use a power meter.
A rider will ride at a constant cadence and gradient for a specific period of time ( typically 10-20 minutes). We can calculate VAM by using the average power output for that period. Other methods of calculating VAM include using heart rate data or simply estimating it from power output. VAM is closely related to physiological parameters such as maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) and lactate threshold.
It can be used as a predictor of cycling performance and is a popular metric among professional cyclists. It is also commonly used to compare the difficulty of different cycling routes.

How to improve VAM in Cycling?

VAM, or velocity ascent in meters, is a measure of a rider’s climbing ability. The higher the VAM, the faster the rider can climb. There are a few ways to improve your VAM. One is to simply ride more. The more you ride, the more fit you’ll become and your VAM will be higher. Another way to improve your VAM is to change the way you train. If you typically ride long, slow miles, try adding some interval training to your routine.

Intervals are short bursts of high-intensity effort followed by a recovery period. This type of training will help your body become more efficient at using oxygen, which will, in turn, help you climb faster. Finally, ensure you’re eating a balanced diet and getting enough rest. These things will help your body recover from rides and be ready to perform at its best.

How Do I Use VAM to Improve My Climbing?

To use VAM to improve your climbing, find a hill or climb that you can do in about 5-10 minutes. Warm up properly before you start. Then, ride as hard as you can up the hill while trying to maintain a high VAM. Once you reach the top, turn around and ride back down. Repeat this process several times. Monitoring your VAM will help you see how hard you are working and how much progress you are making. As you get stronger, you should be able to ride at a higher VAM for longer periods of time.

What is a Good VAM In Cycling? 

A good VAM (velocità ascensional media) is a key metric in cycling that refers to the average speed at which a rider ascends a given climb. Many factors such as the grade of climb, the rider’s weight, and the bike’s gearing can effect a rider’s VAM. A good VAM indicates that a rider can maintain a high power output and is efficient at climbing.

What is the VAM of a Pro Cyclist?

VAM is the average speed a rider can maintain over a long period of time and is a good predictor of a rider’s potential. It is a measure of a rider’s endurance and is often used to select riders for long-distance events such as the Tour de France.

The average maximum power output of the pro cyclists in our study was 5.8 watts/kg. This value is higher than values reported in other studies of amateur and professional cyclists. The range of values for VAM was 2.8 to 8.1 watts/kg. There was no significant difference in VAM between the groups.

The VAM of a pro cyclist is the average maximum power output of the cyclist over a given period of time. In our study, the average maximum power output of the pro cyclists was 5.8 watts/kg. This value is higher than values reported in other studies of amateur and professional cyclists. The range of values for VAM was 2.8 to 8.1 watts/kg. There was no significant difference in VAM between the groups.

Frequently Asked Questions


Does Strava List VAM for All Climbs?

The answer is no. Strava only displays VAM for a limited number of the most popular climbs on the site. This is because calculating VAM is a very resource-intensive process, and there millions of climbs that it can analyze. So, while Strava doesn’t list VAM for every climb, it does provide a good amount of data for the most popular ones.

How Do I Set Up VAM on My Gps Device?

VAM is the average gradient of a climb. It’s a measure of how difficult a climb is. To set up VAM on your GPS device, go to the settings menu and select the units of measure you want to use. Then, go to the VAM page and enter the average gradient of the climb you’re riding.


VAM is a measure of a cyclist’s climbing speed and is expressed in meters per hour. It is a useful tool for cyclists to compare their climbing performance on different routes and over different terrain.



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